HealthTech Lisboa @ LISPOLIS is a Venture Builder, specialized in healthtech industry founded by a group of entrepreneurs and in a joint venture with StartUp Lisboa.
HealthTech Lisboa @ LISPOLIS is a Venture Builder, specialized in healthtech industry founded by a group of entrepreneurs and in a joint venture with StartUp Lisboa.
We came together to use our experience to build impactful businesses and our mission is to support the creation of healthtech companies and entrepreneurs in their first years of activity. HealthTech Lisboa accelerates the growth of startups and unite pioneers in the field of healthtech. We’re here to connect the dots between innovative solutions, healthcare and the global market. Together, we advance ideas and unite resources to address worldwide healthcare. We’re at the forefront of the digital paradigm shift in healthcare, and together, we can change world care.
HealthTech Lisboa aims to be the Portuguese largest community for healthtech companies and capture the most promising upcoming companies and help them along the way with growth and a go to market plan. The idea is to help and guide promising initiatives with business concepts, business plans, structure, financing, marketing and sales, to enable scaling up and be successful in a competitive world market. HealthTech Lisboa is located at LISPOLIS – Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa, one of the founding partners of this project. Startup Lisboa, ANJE (National Association for Young Entrepreneurs) and UBI Medical are also partners of HealthTech Lisboa.
Portugal features world-class healthcare and research institutions, highly skilled hardware and software expertise, a promising industry and a strong startup scene.
HealthTech Lisboa provides an agile hub for tomorrow’s health solutions by linking the worldwide industry network, successful business development, and ever-evolving test and development arena. It’s happening right here, right now.
Any solution that may contribute to the paradigm shift in healthcare through digitalization in a wide sense is healthtech. It’s about providing affordable tools to people all over the world for wider prevention, earlier diagnosis, and better treatment. From artificial intelligence to information technology, we include any digitalization and connected health solution in our definition of healthtech.
Know more about us or our startups,
or enquire about a potential collaboration.
We are daily committed to connecting the founders with people and entities that matter to their business, facilitating access to investment, mentors, strategic partners and potential customers.
Incubation in HealthTech Lisboa:
Physical and Virtual
We’ll make your idea happen
Our mission is to enable healthtech founders to achieve their startup dream.
We work with founders to build a clear view of fast-evolving markets so that we can identify the opportunities they’re best positioned to own and get them prepared to reach them
Be part of HealthTech Lisboa
HealthTech Lisboa supports the development and growth of the incubated healthtech startups, helping them attract customers and investors, to scale up, and become global. Its incubation model includes the provision of workspaces.
Also, Healthtech Lisboa establishes links to mentors (founders, CEO, experts) to help entrepreneurs develop their business, provides access to partners that offer specialized services, connects entrepreneurs to business angels, venture capital investors and other top financing sources, promotes knowledge sharing between the entrepreneurs.
A startup is a new company, even embryonic or still in seed stage, which promotes a promising project, related to the development of an innovative business idea. Usually, it is technology based, but not necessarily, and it is based on an entrepreneurial spirit, in constant search for an innovative business model.
Startup companies are distinguished from others by creating highly scalable business models, based on innovative ideas. Startups are not only internet companies, although they are in that field more frequently, since the costs of creating a software company are lower than creating a “physical” industry or business.
Beyond being a young company and launching an innovative idea in the market, another characteristic of a startup is having risk involved in the business, but usually it also has lower initial costs and high scalability, i.e., it has an expectation of major growth if successful.
To apply to HealthTech Lisboa you should go to the “Apply” area on the site, complete and submit the online form. We are permanently open for online applications. After a first screening of the forms, in regular periods, we invite some founders to pitch their idea to a jury session so we can meet the team, and better evaluate the business model and select the startups that will become members of our community.
Applications are assessed by a jury consisting of leading members of HealthTech Lisboa, mentors, businessmen, investors and some experienced entrepreneurs on our network.
The project will be analysed considering the following evaluation criteria:
Yes. We select projects in several stages. You may not have the company constituted already and be still developing your product.
Individual promoters of a business project may apply as well as companies.
Not all new businesses are startups or fall within the scope of HealthTech Lisboa. They can only be considered startup if they have a scalable business model and if the scope of the project is in health tech area.
Yes. You may only have a business idea when applying.
Yes, HealthTech Lisboa will support you in this field and also facilitate the contact with investors and other financing sources, helping entrepreneurs connect with investors (business angels, venture capital, etc.) and attract investment for their business. For that you should have a strong and commited team.
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